Criminal Law Review Biannual judicial doctrine and case-law publication published by Romanian Association of Penal Sciences and Universul Juridic Publishing House ISSN 2248–0528
  • Summary
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Crimes against patrimony from the perspective of the new criminal code and of the applicable criminal code

Constantin Duvac

The author underlines the amendments brought to the offences against property, set out under Title II of the special part of the new Criminal Code of 2009, under review in terms of systematisation and of the legal content of various criminalization norms, highlighting both positive aspects and the arguable ones, in relation to which he puts forward several de lege ferenda proposals.
Furthermore, the author achieves a comparative research of the criminalization norms that have a correspondent in the criminal law currently in force, a quick review of the ex novo criminalization norms; this analysis is accompanied by several observations and recommendations (de lege ferenda proposals) for improving the texts under review.