Criminal Law Review Biannual judicial doctrine and case-law publication published by Romanian Association of Penal Sciences and Universul Juridic Publishing House ISSN 2248–0528
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For the authors

In order to be published in Criminal Law Review, articles must be written in Microsoft Word, in compliance with the folllowing tehnical conditions:

Page Setup:

Margins:      Top: 1 cm
                      Bottom: 1 cm  
                      Inside: 1,25 cm 
                      Outside: 1,25 cm
                      Gutter: 0 cm
                      Header: 1,59 cm
                      Footer: 1,59 cm

Paper size: A4
Orientation: Portrait

Layout:  Section start: Continous
               Headers and Footers: Different Odd and Even
               Vertical Alignment: Top

Fonts: Times New Roman, 12 pt, Justify
Paragraph: Line Spacing: Double

Writing the articles:
The papers sent for publishing shall be drafted as follows:

- The text is written on a single column

Title: Times New Roman, 14 pt, Bold, Centered

Authors: Times New Roman, 14 pt, Bold, Centered, with a particular footnote which shall contain short identification data: rank, occupation, contact address. For eg. Ion Popescu is ..... at .....; e-mail address: .......

Abstract and key words: Times New Roman, 12pt, Bold, Justify. The abstract must be of 5 to 10 lines. Key words in English (see no 3/ 2011 of Criminal law review – written version)

Sending the articles

Every article intended for publication shall be electronically sent in Romanian and English exclusively for the Criminal Law Review at the following address to the attention of Univ. prof. George Antoniu, Ph.D.

Please specify the postal and electronic address (e-mail) and the contact telephone number accompanying the authors’ name, profession and possibly academic or scientific qualifications.

Bibliography sources shall be entirely quoted, stating the author’s name and surname, the book, the publishing house, place and year of publication, pages. If the author has two or more names, they shall be completely mentioned. The capital letter between the surname and name is the first letter of the father’s name (eg. Ionescu V. Pompiliu shall be read Ionescu, Vasile Pompiliu’s son)

Authors shall also send an abstract of the article and keywords, both in Romanian and English.

The authors will receive an acknowledgement of the receipt within 2-3 days. In order to avoid any disruption in sending the articles, authors shall contact editors through a new message in case they have not received the acknowledgement of the receipt within that term.

Authors shall be asked to comply with the ICI requirements regarding the structure of articles namely that they shall include an introduction, each section shall have a title, and finally the article shall state the conclusions, references regarding bibliography sources (both sources presented in the footnotes, and other references regarding the subject matter).