Criminal Law Review Biannual judicial doctrine and case-law publication published by Romanian Association of Penal Sciences and Universul Juridic Publishing House ISSN 2248–0528
  • Summary
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The right to life and euthanasia in the light of the (European) convention for protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, of the practice of the European court of human rights and of the Romanian Criminal Law

Ovidiu Predescu

Nicolae Grofu



The authors use this study to make a critical analysis of the (European) Convention for Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, of other international documents regarding the freedoms of men, in particular the right to life, as well as of the way the requirements thereof are applied in practice by the Romanian criminal law.


Furthermore, the authors make a comparative analysis of the way the law in certain European states approached this matter.


In this context, the study presents certain topics regarding determination of the right to life, in connection with both the moment when life starts, as well as, and in particular, the moment when life ends, fostering some reflections on the existence of a right to death, correlated with the right to life.