Criminal Law Review Biannual judicial doctrine and case-law publication published by Romanian Association of Penal Sciences and Universul Juridic Publishing House ISSN 2248–0528
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The analyze of expressive behavior in inquiry of judicial room

Ioan Aron

 The non seemingly behavior is precursory, a behavior oriented towards attitude.
Between the seeming and the non seeming behavior there is the following relation:
● the simultaneous existence of the two ways of behaving.
● the non seeming way through its anticipative preparing and orientation can come after theseeming way.
● the non seeming behavior can succeed a done and finalized activity without having been doubled by a notable exterior expression.In the blueprint of simulated behavior we distinguish two important elements:
● the moment when the stimuli is given or is refreshed something significant for the subject.
● the evaluation, the selection of different types of answer; here we have to watch the seeming way that the simulating subject expresses his intentions.
That what is fake is the meaning the individual gives to the component he offers towards direct observation, meaning that must be assigned after his intention to the seeming behavior.